Municipalities and other local governmentsWe provide complex legal services for authorities and municipal budget entities. We have access to experts in educational law, labour law, public procurement, municipal economy, environmental protection and data protection. We serve municipalities, municipal budget entities and municipal companies, which provides us with fresh knowledge and rich experience. |
Health-careWe provide complex assistance for non-entrepreneurial health-care units and entities providing health-care. We have access to experts in medical law, public procurement, medical professional responsibility and data protection. |
Culture and sportWe collaborate with cultural institutions by assisting them to solve legal challenges. We have lawyers who are experienced in areas close to the activities of museums, libraries, publishers and cultural establishments. Our team also includes experts in intellectual property. |
Associations, foundations, utilitiesWe have rich experience providing assistance to local and national associations in Poland. We assist them with organizational matters, registrations and their chartered objectives. |
GDPR, protection of personal data, and data safetyWe assist our Clients to comply with regulatory requirements in the area of data protection. This includes complex implementation of security measures, audits, risk analysis for database security, as well as collaboration with IT security experts. |